CSEC: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
The Children’s Advocacy Center is prepared to respond to the commercial exploitation of children.
Day One offers a full range of services to meet the needs of trafficking survivors and their families. We provide support through our mentoring program and offer treatment services, community education, and a variety of trainings suited for the general public, service providers, and law enforcement professionals.
Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSEC) Programs
Our Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) process is designed to ensure the medical, social services, and law enforcement response to child sex trafficking is victim-centered. The team assesses the child’s immediate need and safety planning. The goal of the MDT process is the stabilization and well-being of the child, as well as assisting with any investigation by law enforcement. For more on the Day One RI MDT program, contact our MDT Coordinator at (401) 421-4100 Ext. 134.
Screening tool: Working collaboratively with DCYF and the Rhode Island Human Trafficking Taskforce, recognized nationally for its groundbreaking work, Day One was instrumental in developing a screening tool and screening process to identify children and youth who are current or previous victims of sex trafficking in the state of Rhode Island. Through the CSEC Screening Tool, the Rhode Island Child Welfare System hopes to better identify children and youth who have an increased level of risk or status of ‘confirmed victims’ and provide them with access to resources available to better serve them and their families. The CSEC screening tool is currently being used to identify youth involved with DCYF and in congregate care that may be ‘At Risk’, ‘High Risk’, or a ‘Confirmed Victim’, and are to be rescreened every six months or when absent from care to account for changes in risk status. Working collaboratively with DCYF and the Rhode Island Human Trafficking Taskforce, recognized nationally for its groundbreaking work, Day One was instrumental in developing a screening tool and screening process to identify children and youth who are current or previous victims of sex trafficking in the state of Rhode Island. Through the CSEC Screening Tool, the Rhode Island Child Welfare System hopes to better identify children and youth who have an increased level of risk or status of ‘confirmed victims’ and provide them with access to resources available to better serve them and their families. The CSEC screening tool is currently being used to identify youth involved with DCYF and in congregate care that may be ‘At Risk’, ‘High Risk’, or a ‘Confirmed Victim’, and are to be rescreened every six months or when absent from care to account for changes in risk status.
Day One RI’s Survivor Mentor Program is a DCYF referral program for youth who are at risk or confirmed to be commercially sexually exploited (CSEC). The youth referred to the CSEC Survivor Mentor are assigned to adult survivor mentors who have been trained in anti-human trafficking advocacy through My Life My Choice. The Survivor Mentor model is based on incorporating the knowledge of the survivor mentor with the realities of the challenges the CSEC youth at risk are facing. The benefits of a survivor-led model are the support, guidance, and resources the mentors provide in order to develop positive relationships that can foster independence in facing the challenges of an ever-changing society.
My Life, My Choice (MLMC) is also available for survivor treatment and prevention. MLMC groups are a way to educate at-risk youth in recognizing and avoiding tactics of human trafficking recruiters and help lead them out of the risk of exploitation or help those who are already involved. MLMC addresses immediate and long-term needs of young people with a support group of peers and mentors. MLMC’s goal is educate youth about the realities and perceptions of the commercial sex industry and help them build self-esteem.
For more information on the My Life My Choice class curriculum, dates, and enrollment, contact our Group Coordinator at 401-421-4100 Ext. 148 or fill out our request for service form.
Child Pornography: Day One is also addressing the statewide response to child pornography and how children and families are affected. Through this collaborative effort with other partner agencies, we have successfully been able to address the need for wrap-around services and direct care to this population. The Human Trafficking program has developed CP training that is delivered to communities and partner agencies. This ongoing research and education has significantly impacted our service delivery to survivors of Human Trafficking and Child Pornography.
Watch to Learn More
Get to know the acronyms, terms, and type of support team we provide for victims and families.
What is CSEC?
The commercial sexual exploitation of children, or CSEC, is a transaction that involves the sale of a child. Watch the CSEC informational video, or check out the question and answer section below to learn more.
Multi-disciplinary Team
Day One collaborates with a team of professionals to provide wrap-around care. Our Multi-Disciplinary Teaming (MDT) process is designed to ensure the medical, social services, and law enforcement response to child sex trafficking is victim-centered. The team assesses the child’s immediate need and develops a safety plan. The goal of the MDT process is the stabilization and well being of the child, as well as assisting with the law enforcement investigation.
Child Sexual Abuse
Learn the statistics and know where to turn if your child has experienced sexual abuse or exploitation.
Questions and Answers
What is Human Trafficking?
Human Trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Sex trafficking involves individuals profiting from sexual exploitation of others and has physical and emotional consequences for its victims. This involuntary servitude results in grave human rights violations.
What is commercial sexual exploitation of children?
Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a commercial transaction that involves the sexual exploitation of a child, such as the prostitution of children and child pornography.
CSEC may involve coercion and violence against children and amount to forced labor and a form of contemporary slavery as well as offering the sexual services of children for compensation, financial or otherwise.
Who are the victims of these crimes?
The average age of entry for CSEC victims is usually between the ages of 12-14. This is not the only ages at risk however. Recent studied have labeled 200,000-300,000 children in danger of being trafficked yearly domestically in the United States. Here are a few risk factors for those in danger of being victims:
- Youth living in groups homes and involved with the Department of Children, Youth and Families. (DCYF)
- Youth with a history of sexually abuse
- Children with developmental disabilities
- Bullied youth
- LGBT youth
- ALL teens seeking attention and relationships
What are some of the warning signs of CSEC?
- Unexplained tattoos: tattoos with initials that do not belong to them and may not want to reveal, or of barcodes.
- Runaway and homeless youth: especially youth from group homes.
- Youth girls with significantly older “boyfriends”: this is a common method victims protect the identity of their trafficker or “pimp”, by referring to him as their boyfriend.
- Low, or no, school attendance: If a youth has little or connection with family members, this is an added risk factor. Low or little family supervision can allow for the child to become a victim. Youth missing curfew or staying out late.
- Youth, or child, with high knowledge of sexual behavior
What drives human trafficking and child exploitation?
There are many driving factors of human trafficking and child exploitation, but the number one driver of this industry is the demand. According to the International Labour Organization (ILOP) human trafficking brings in an estimated 150 billion dollars annually, 99 billion in sex trafficking and 51 billion in labor related trafficking. The legal ramifications for ‘johns’, or those buying from traffickers, and the traffickers themselves have been very low thus far. The United States as a whole is working to created stronger legal ramifications for ‘johns’ and traffickers to protect victims.
There are many other factors, for example, the glorified life of “pimps” or traffickers in the media and sexualization of children is a drive for sex trafficking.
This also muddles the understanding of consent; there is no such thing as a child prostitute. It is important the police, hospitals, and the community are informed that these youth are victims and need proper treatment and resources.
How prevalent is child exploitation in the United States? In Rhode Island?
Every state in the United States has had a reported case of human trafficking. No city, small town, rural or suburban, is exempt from this heinous crime. It is important that we take the steps as a nation to proper prepare our communities, hospitals, schools, and police departments to capture traffickers and ‘johns’ and provide the proper treatment of trafficked victims.
While exact data for Rhode Island overall is hard to find, we do track the cases that come into Day One. We work on over 100 referred cases each year, and also complete hundreds of screenings each year using a screening tool developed with the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) and the Rhode Island Human Trafficking Taskforce. The CSEC Screening tool is currently being used to identify youth involved with DCYF and in congregate care that may be ‘At Risk’, ‘High Risk’, or a ‘Confirmed Victim’ of child exploitation, with re-screening every six months or when absent from care to account for changes in risk status. Through the CSEC Screening Tool, the Rhode Island Child Welfare System hopes to better identify children and youth who have an increased level of risk or status of ‘confirmed victims’ and provide them with access to resources available to better serve them and their families.
Who do I contact if I think someone is being trafficked?
In Rhode Island, we have a set protocol to follow if you believe someone is being trafficked. You can access or download it here.
Other steps you can take:
If you believe that someone you know is being trafficked call 911 if you believe they are in immediate danger and the police department if you want to report a non-emergency. There is also a National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888- 373-7888 or 233733 (Text “HELP” or “INFO”).
How can I better educate myself about CSEC?
- Girls Like Us, by Rachel Lloyd
- The Survivors Guide to Leaving, written by Sheila White with Rachel Lloyd
- Imprisoned: The Travails of a Trafficked Victim, written by Bukola Love Oriola
- Sex Trafficking, Inside the Business of Modern Day Slavery, written by Siddharth Kara
- Lost Girls, written by Robert Kolker
- The Johns, written by Victor Malarek
- Very Young Girls directed by Nina Alvarez
How can I get involved with the efforts of Day One?
Our advocacy team is currently developing more ways for the community to become more involved in helping support trafficking and CSEC victims. It is important that we focus on treatment and prevention. My Life, My Choice is a great way to assist victims and at-risk youth under 18 to learn in a group of their peers. If you know a young person who is at risk, involved with, or recovering from human trafficking, contact our CSEC MDT at 401-421-4100 Ext. 160. For clinical services, contact our Clinical Coordinator at 401-421-4100 Ext. 121 or fill out our Request for Service form.
Helpline Advocate Support
Another way to help is to become a helpline advocate. Helpline volunteers will be able to support victims of sexual abuse, who make up 90% of trafficking victims, and link them to healing resources at Day One. For information for our next Helpline training contact our Advocacy Coordinator at 401-421-4100 ext. 146 or fill out our volunteer form.
Day One provides community or organizational trainings on a regular basis. Contact 401-421-4100, [email protected] or fill out a request for training form. If you are interested in donating to our prevention efforts, please click here.
Still Have Questions?
If you have any further questions about human trafficking or CSEC, contact Day One during office hours, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at (401) 421-4100 Ext. 160 or 401-602-0303.
After hours, contact the 24-hour Helpline at (800) 494-8100.
CSEC Programs
CSEC Response
The commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a growing problem in Rhode Island and New England. It is, in a sense, a form of modern slavery involving the sexual abuse and exploitation of children for financial gain. In response, the Human Trafficking Task Force designed this response protocol.
From the initial point of disclosure, the CAC team engages in safety planning and service referrals for wrap-around care of child victims. The needs of the child victim and their non-offending family members are the absolute priority, and children are never forced into answering questions. The CAC provides a child friendly environment for the interview and follow up services.
Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies have partnered with Day One, the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), the Aubin Center at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, the RI Attorney General’s Office (RIAG), the United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) and other social service organizations in an effort to develop a multi-disciplinary approach to human trafficking. The Task Force convenes to refine procedural changes and develop protocols.