Working as a multi-disciplinary team, Day One coordinates with a range of professionals to support the needs of our clients and community.
Our partners include local law enforcement, government, medical providers, social service agencies, and national resources.
Coalition and Task Forces
Day One convenes statewide coalition work and special task forces to combat sexual abuse, human trafficking, and child sexual abuse. These groups collaborate on uniform response and prevention methods through work groups and special projects.
Adult Sexual Assault Task Force
- Establish a comprehensive and collaborative multi-disciplinary team approach to dealing with adult sexual assault cases statewide
- Develop and implement policies and protocols using a best practices approach to investigation, prosecution, medical care, treatment services, and advocacy
- Improve response rate to sexual assault victims in urgent need of services
- Ensure that an efficient system of response is accessible to all victims
Human Trafficking Task Force
Recognizing the need for a more formal approach to dealing with the rising issue of sex trafficking in the state, Day One convened a task force to develop best practices and make recommendations. The team, which includes representatives from federal, state and local law enforcement, the Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF), healthcare providers and more; develops goals and divides efforts among strategic subcommittees focused on victim services, education and training, and best practices for investigating and prosecuting these cases.
The goals of the task force are to:
- Review existing policies and protocols used in investigation, prosecution and victim advocacy
- Provide crisis intervention training to law enforcement, social services, medical treatment providers and schools
- Educate the community about warning signs and how to report suspected cases
- Generate a process for what happens to victims after the crime has been identified
- Develop a best practices model, through team collaboration, to effectively address this crime
National Affiliations
Local Partners
- Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
- Hasbro Child Protection Program (Lawrence A. Aubin Sr. Child Protection Center)
- RI Attorney General’s Office
- RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- RI Department of Children, Youth & Families
- RI Department of Corrections
- RI Department of Elderly Affairs
- RI Department of Health
- RI Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals
- RI Division of Developmental Disabilities
- RI State Police Departments & Resources
Hospitals in Rhode Island
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