Prevention Strategies
Day One facilitates community collaboration and coalitions to shift the culture around sexual violence and create resources for statewide planning.
Rhode Island Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition
The Rhode Island Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition is a collaborative effort of Day One and the Rhode Island Department of Health in order to increase cohesion, information and resource sharing, and collaborative efforts in sexual violence prevention work across the state of Rhode Island. The purpose of the RISVPC is to build and maintain a statewide capacity for comprehensive planning, implementation and evaluation of sexual violence prevention activities in Rhode Island utilizing tools provided by the CDC and the best practices as indicated by the peer-reviewed literature. While the RISVPC addresses prevention strategies at all layers of the social-ecological model (SEM), it prioritizes innovative strategies at the community and societal levels of the SEM.
Rhode Island State Action Plan for Sexual Violence
The RISVPC plays a major role in statewide sexual violence prevention planning, including developing and updating the Rhode Island State Action Plan for Sexual Violence.
Rhode Island Cross-Campus Learning Collaborative
Established in 2015 to coordinate violence prevention efforts across higher education institutions in the state. We have established streamlined means of communication to facilitate shared learning, information and resource-sharing, and partnership building between the 11 institutions of higher education in the state and community partners.
Mission: To exchange, explore, and evaluate prevention initiatives and issues addressing power-based interpersonal violence (PBIPV) through an intersectional lens. We seek to achieve this by addressing issues of PBIPV, such as sexual violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual- and gender-based harassment; uniting efforts across RI college and university campuses; and being inclusive of all faculty, staff, students and visitors.
Vision: To foster and sustain trauma-informed violence-free campuses

Rhode Island Student Collaborative
The Rhode Island Student Collaborative (RISC) is comprised of graduate and undergraduate student leaders throughout Rhode Island who meet to support one another in their violence prevention and advocacy services efforts on their campuses and throughout the state. The group was created in partnership with its parent committee, the Cross-Campus Learning Collaborative for Sexual Violence Prevention.
Mission: To empower students across Rhode Island campuses to strengthen sexual and relationship violence prevention efforts and support survivors through advocacy, awareness, and education to create safer communities.
Vision: To eliminate violence on college campuses and increase accessibility towards services and support.