Response Protocols
Sexual Assault response protocols are aimed to guide a uniform multi-disciplinary approach in the the state of Rhode Island.
Professional Protocols
Day One convenes two task forces with a focus on the response to sexual assault. The Adult Sexual Assault Task Force and the Human Trafficking Task Force are comprised of local government, law enforcement, medical professionals, and social service agencies.
One goal of these work groups is to develop uniform protocols for professionals involved in the response sexual assault. These protocols represent best practices that encourage first responders to arrange immediate response and comprehensive care with a clear process involving the specific role of each agency.
A Model Protocol for Response to Adult Sexual Assault Cases
Who developed the protocol?
The Protocol was developed by the education sub-committee of the Statewide Task Force. Participants in the creation of the protocol included: The RI Office of the Attorney General, Burrillville Police Department, Johnson & Wales University, RI Supreme Court, Lifespan Health System, Care New England, Sojourner House and Day One, with contributions from: Providence Police Department; Providence College; Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center; RI Cross-Campus Learning Collaborative for Sexual Violence Prevention, the Office of Healthy Aging; Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals; RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence; RI National Guard; any omission of other contributors is unintentional.
One goal of these work groups is to develop uniform protocols for professionals involved in the response sexual assault. These protocols represent best practices that encourage first responders to arrange immediate response and comprehensive care with a clear process involving the specific role of each agency.
History of the Rhode Island Statewide Task Force to Address Adult Sexual Assault
In April 2015, Day One organized a specialized task force to address the lack of a uniform response when responding to adult sexual assault cases. The Rhode Island Statewide Task Force to Address Adult Sexual Assault (the “Task Force”) is a collaboration with representation from state and local law enforcement agencies, the RI Attorney General’s Office, Day One advocates, medical professionals, and higher education representatives.
The initial goals of the Task Force were to:
● Establish a comprehensive and collaborative multi-disciplinary team approach to working with adult sexual assault cases statewide
● Develop and implement policies and protocols using a best practices approach to investigation and prosecution
● Improve the response rate to sexual assault victims in need of services
● Ensure that an efficient system of response is accessible to all victims
Download the protocol:
A Model Protocol for Response to Sexual Assault Cases
Rhode Island Uniform Response Protocol for the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
The commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a growing problem in Rhode Island and New England. It is, in a sense, a form of modern-day slavery involving the sexual abuse and exploitation of children for financial gain.
In response, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies have partnered with Day One, the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), the Aubin Center at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, the Rhode Island Attorney General’s Office (RIAG), the United States Attorney’s Office (USAO), and other social service organizations in an effort to develop a multi-disciplinary approach to the problem.